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Diesel Engine Repair

Diesel Engine Service in Brunswick & St. Simons Island, GA

Built with durability, reliability, and optimization in mind, diesel engine systems are designed to use their own compression to ignite fuel. In gasoline engines, the fuel is mixed with air, compressed by pistons, and ignited by a spark plug. The rate of compression in a diesel engine is more than three times that of a regular gasoline engine system. In a diesel engine system, the air is compressed at a high compression ratio, which introduces a great amount of heat. Following this compression, fuel is directly injected into the cylinder, where the fuel vapor is ignited. Diesel engines are built without spark plugs. Instead, diesel systems use glow plugs to start and run more efficiently in colder temperatures.

Signs your Diesel Engine may need service:

  • The engine seems abnormally loud
  • There is excessive and/or blue tinted smoke issuing from the engine
  • The engine is consuming more oil than usual
  • There are new unusual sounds in the engine
  • You notice poor engine braking
  • There is a decrease in fuel economy
  • Why Diesel Engine Service Is Important:

    Your diesel engine plays a major role in your vehicle, so it is especially important that you be aware of problems and seek repairs immediately. Because diesel engines make a considerable amount of noise during normal, every day operation, diagnosing diesel engine problems can be hard to do if you are listening in on the engine. However, there are a number of symptoms you can watch out for that indicate your diesel engine needs maintenance. A diesel engine running at lower RPMs or a hard-to-start engine are signs of low fuel pressure, but these signs may also be symptoms of an insufficient fuel supply or poor fuel quality. Allowing our staff to troubleshoot your diesel engine can help ensure that the proper repair procedures are followed to repair the engine. Every diesel engine manufacturer requires different preventive maintenance procedures, so referring to your owner’s manual will help in planning and scheduling routine maintenance services. Keeping all diesel engine components—glow plugs, fuel injectors, and turbochargers—in proper working order will increase the life of your diesel engine system while promoting overall vehicle maintenance.

    If you need diesel engine repair service in Brunswick & St. Simons Island, GA, stop in and see us today!

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    Contact Us

    Phone: (912) 296-0600
    Address: 233 Candler Drive
    Brunswick, GA 31523
    Phone: (912) 380-9900
    Address: 1026 Glynn Park Rd.
    Brunswick, GA 31525
    Phone: (912) 305-3100
    Address: 677 Skylane Road
    St. Simons Island, GA 31522
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